Frequently asked questions
We have listed below some of your commonly asked questions. Simply select the category best suited to you and browse the Q&As included. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for here, please Contact Us.
Where can i get Nouveau Lashes eyelash treatments done?
We offer our award-winning eyelash treatments worldwide through our network of trained lash technicians. Visit our official Salon Finder to locate the nearest salon or mobile technician to you
Which treatment is right for me?
We offer several Nouveau Lashes treatments; LVL, SVS, Extend & Express. LVL is a lift of your natural lashes. Our other treatments are various specialist techniques using eyelash extensions. Your technician will be able to discuss your eye shape, desired look and lifestyle to find the perfect treatment for you during consultation. Depending on what events you have coming up, you may be suited to different treatments at different times. Click the linked treatments about to find out more about each and then head to Salon Finder to book your appointment
Does Nouveau Lashes test on animals?
No. We are proud to be officially cruelty free. The majority of our treatments and products are also vegan and registered with the vegan society. You can find out the latest news on which items are vegan on our cruelty free info page.
Is LVL exclusive to Nouveau Lashes?
LVL stands for length, volume and lift. It is exclusive to Nouveau Lashes, and was innovated by founders Karen Betts and Bridgette Softley. It is the first treatment of its kind to enhance the natural lash. Ask your technician if they’re officially trained in LVL and check the products used to be certain you’re receiving an official treatment. All of our trained technicians are issued with certficates that can be shown on request. Don’t settle for second best. Use our official Salon Finder to locate your nearest official technician.
What do i need to do before my Nouveau Lashes treatment?
Prior to booking your first Nouveau Lashes treatment, we recommend visiting your salon to discuss the treatment and look you have in mind to ensure it will have the desired outcome. Your technician will then be able to tailor the treatment to you, or suggest an alternative. Also, prior to your first LVL treatment you must visit your salon to complete a patch test to check for any sensitivity to the products used. This must be completed a minimum of 48 hours prior to your treatment.
I’m a contact lens wearer, do i need to remove them before my treatment?
All of our treatments are suitable for those who wear contact lenses. We do however recommend removing contact lenses before treatments if possible.
Can i have a lash treatment if i’m pregnant?
Due to changes in hormones in pregnancy we recommend not having LVL
Do Nouveau Lashes lash treatments damage your natural eyelashes?
No. All of our Nouveau Lashes technicians are trained to the highest technical standard and our products go through rigorous testing to ensure they’re kind to your lashes. So providing your lash treatment is performed correctly, and you follow the aftercare instructions provided by your technician you will not damage your natural eyelashes. This includes returning to the salon for any maintenance and removal procedures where required. However, some people are unaware that your eye lashes naturally shed every 90 days. So if your natural eyelash falls out, whilst you have lash extensions attached, it may simply be at the end of its cycle and will naturally grow back
Are Nouveau Lashes lash treatments painful?
Our treatments are not painful, and most clients actually find them quite relaxing. It’s an opportunity to lie back and close your eyes for up to 90 minutes.
What is the difference between LVL and a traditional lash perm?
A lash perm curls the entire lash and creates a soft curl across the entire length of your eye lashes. However, the LVL treatment curls the lashes directly at the root. Creating a more upright curl, and as a result a more dramatic effect. However, different levels of curl are available depending on the look your seeking to create, and your technician will be able to recommend what is best suited to you. LVL also includes an eye lash tint. Creating a mascara style effect, and the appearance of added length and volume.
Do i need to go back to the salon to have my eyelash extensions removed?
To prevent any long-term damage to your natural eyelashes, we recommend returning to salon to have your lash extensions professionally removed or using our Lash Extension Remover at home. At the end of your treatment, your technician will discuss when you should return for removal. This excludes Express Strip Lashes which can be removed at home with a remover.
My eyelashes have started to fall out, what should i do?
Your natural eyelashes are probably at the end of their life cycle. The natural eye sheds its lashes every 90 days, and when they do they will take the attached lash extension with them. However the shedding is completely natural, and your lashes will grow back as part of their growth cycle. As a result we do recommend returning to salon for regular maintenance appointments to infill where your natural lashes have shed, and prevent your lashes from looking patchy or purchasing our Lash Extension Remover.
Can i wear make-up after my lash treatment?
Yes you can. However, we recommend using water-based mascara only following any lash extension treatment, and avoid waterproof eye make-up removers so not to damage the adhesive bond your eyelashes are applied with. Following LVL it is best to leave the eye area free of make-up for 24 hours to allow the treatment to reach its full effect, but then you are free to apply make-up as normal.
Can i go swimming after my lash treatment?
You cannot get your lash extensions wet for the first 48 hours following application, or 24 hours for LVL. To keep your lashes looking their best we do recommend avoiding full submersion of the lash in water (through activities such as swimming) for the first 48 hours or for extended periods of time.
I think i’ve had an allergic reaction, what should i do?
Signs of an allergic reaction are redness, swelling, itching, burning and pain in the eye. If you think you are experiencing a reaction to a Nouveau Lashes treatment, we recommend returning to your salon immediately to have the lashes removed. If the reaction is significant, or you are unable to return to salon please contact alternative medical assistance – do not wait. It is key that prior to any treatment is performed, you follow the pre-treatment procedure and patch test provided by your technician to prevent the risk of an allergic reaction.