Your Ultimate Guide to Eyelash Health | Nouveau Lashes

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Your Ultimate Guide to Eyelash Health

Your Ultimate Guide to Eyelash Health

Our eyes are often the focus of our beauty regime.  We wear make-up to enhance them, creams to preserve them and mascara to volumise them.

In fact, our peepers have a direct impact on our confidence. In a survey by Nouveau Lashes, 33%, that’s one in three women, said that eyes are the first thing they notice about someone, whilst more than a fifth (21%) say their eyes are their most attractive feature.

But intense beauty regimes, busy lifestyles and ageing can cause stress to the skin around the eyes and the lashes, leading to irritated dry skin and eyelash loss.

It’s a reminder that our eyelashes aren’t just aesthetically pleasing – they serve a practical purpose too!

“Eyelashes are there for protection. They catch debris that could land in the eye and cause harm.” –  Optometrist Francesca Marchetti

The good news is that with the right care, we can have bright, healthy eyes without resorting to any drastic measures.


Just as you cleanse and moisturise your hair with shampoo and conditioner, you need to cleanse and hydrate your lashes.  Justine Hextall, our expert panel Dermatologist shares her advice…

“In order to stop breakage, it’s important to hydrate and condition lashes…

…in your chosen products, look for Hyaluronic Acid and Glycerine which hydrate skin and lashes by attracting and holding on to water…

… Biotin is also important for healthy keratin, to strengthen lashes, and plays a role in the growth of thicker hair.  Plus vitamins B5 and B6 promote healthy hair because your body uses these nutrients to nourish your hair follicles.”

– Dermatologist Justine Hextall.


Lash treatments are in demand. They are the fourth most popular paid-for beauty treatment, behind hair treatments, manicures and pedicures.*

“More women are putting away their mascara in favour of lash extensions, eyelash tints and lifts to give them a longer lasting way of enhancing their eyes,”

– Dermatologist Justine Hextall.

Lash treatments done by professionally trained lash artists, can actually benefit eyelash health. How? Well removing the need to wear mascara every day cuts down daily cleansing routines.  This means less manipulation of the eye area, reducing risk of irritation and damage.  Our panel expert Trisha Buller has some great advice.

“Extensions and extra weight on lashes can have an adverse effect on lash growth and condition so ensure you see a professional who understands lash care…

…and always have a patch test before a lash lift and tint, as an allergy can be disastrous for lash loss.”

– Trichologist Trisha Buller.

Nouveau Lashes take your eye health seriously. Our lash artists are trained to the highest standards, so clients get powerful eyes with no damage.

*Survey commissioned by Nouveau Lashes of 1,000 UK women. October 2018.


Why should we always remove our make-up before catching our beauty sleep?

“If make-up is left to clog and irritate follicles, you can cause infection and inflammation in the follicles, leading to eyelash drop…

…The irritated skin in this area then becomes itchy, causing us to rub our eye, which makes the lash drop even worse.”

– Dermatologist Justine Hextall.

In fact, because it’s a particularly sensitive area, the skin can easily become so irritated that it develops into dry skin conditions, such as eczema and dermatitis, which can cause permanent lash damage.

To combat any eye complications, use a fragrance-free gentle hydrating cleanser to remove makeup; recommended by Justine herself.


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