Back at work? Why you might be feeling anxious | Nouveau Lashes

02.05.24 52 view(s)
Back at work? Why you might be feeling anxious

Back at work? Why you might be feeling anxious

How are things going at work now you’ve been back a few weeks? If you haven’t returned yet, how are you feeling? You’re probably a mixed bag of emotions. Although you’re excited to be back lashing (or getting ready to) you could be feeling a little anxious too. Remember this is completely normal; don’t forget lockdown has affected everyone in different ways.


It’s okay to be anxious

The beauty industry is a close-contact service, therefore it’s impossible to social distance 100% of the time. After all, your job is to create gorgeous, fluttery lashes! If you’re feeling anxious about being close-up to clients, that’s okay. Anxiety is a normal response from our brains to situations that may be threatening. For months, we’ve been told to stay home for our own safety as well as others – then suddenly we could go back to work. Naturally, our brains respond to this. Following correct hygiene procedures and wearing appropriate PPE will provide added protection and help put your mind at ease. For more helpful advice, download our free COVID-19: Hygiene & Safety Course.

It’s normal to have doubts

Lash artists everywhere were unable to work for a long time, therefore it’s normal to have doubts and worries: Am I good enough? Did I do that right? What are my clients thinking? Instead of questioning your capabilities, believe in yourself and remember everything you know and everything you have done before will come back to you. We spoke to Amanda Cunningham @extendyourinnerbeauty, who told us some incredible advice: “Smile behind your mask, your clients will see it in your eyes.” Even if you’re feeling anxious, smiling can make things a million times better.

Avoid unnecessary stresses

This may sound easier said than done… but focus on things you can control (rather than worrying about the next government update). Are there any systems or processes that could be simplified to make life easier for you? Have you been putting off anything even before lockdown? Cutting out unnecessary stress will go a long way in keeping a level head. Stocking up on treatment essentials, reviewing your booking system and getting on top of small, manageable tasks are all things you can do to help reduce anxiety levels.

Focus on you

Remember, everyone has been on their own personal journey in this situation. Never feel ashamed or guilty about feeling a certain way. Comparing yourself to others constantly is a sure-fire way to trigger feelings of anxiety. If someone you know is feeling completely fine, that’s okay. They may not have told you absolutely everything either; you never know exactly what’s going on in someone else’s head. We’re all different people who respond to situations differently. Take things at your own pace and try not to worry about what other people are doing. No matter how much you love your job, you’re allowed to feel apprehensive.

Your lash community is here for you

We want you to know that you always have somewhere to turn to if you’re feeling overwhelmed. You’re not alone. This goes for all our mobile lash artists as well – having your own business can feel quite isolating sometimes. Thanks to social media, we can all be a source of compassion and joy for others, by making the time to reach out and ask your fellow artists how they’re doing. Comment or like another artists work (or share your own feelings) so people don’t feel alone. Our community is stronger than ever – we’ve just celebrated our @nouveaulashespro 1 year anniversary and we couldn’t be prouder of how you have all supported each other during these strange and difficult times! Keep going, you’re doing amazing.


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