7 Ways To Practice Self-Care While Staying At Home | Nouveau Lashes

04.05.24 38 view(s)
7 Ways To Practice Self-Care While Staying At Home

7 Ways To Practice Self-Care While Staying At Home

Even though ‘normal’ working arrangements have been disrupted and social plans are on hold for the foreseeable future, have no fear! Social distancing is the perfect time for self-care and re-setting your mind. Rather than dwelling on how your routine has changed, think about how your commute time can be replaced with something positive – like reading that book you’ve been putting off for ages!

Check out our top self-care tips below!

Count Your Blessings

Create a gratitude list. Jot down everything that you’re grateful for, whether that’s your family, health, or your lashes! It’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture – let’s slow down, take a step back and appreciate the things in our lives.

At-Home Workouts

Right now, you’re probably missing the gym. YouTube is full of home workout videos that you can do in the comfort of your living room. See if any fitness influencers you follow are doing live streams? Emily Ricketts has some amazing home workout videos that will get you moving. You could even try running up and down the stairs! You might be at home, but you can still be active.

Go For A Walk

Some fresh air will do wonders for your mindset! Go for a brisk walk in the morning to clear your head of any worries and prepare yourself for a productive day. Or, you could go for a jog in the evening once you have finished your work for the day. However, please make sure you keep a 2m distance from others, in line with government guidelines.

Read A Book

Getting lost in a good book is a great way to ease your racing mind. Reading is a fantastic idea (if it’s one of your hobbies) or maybe you’re thinking of trying something new! Make sure you choose a quiet room away from your work area.

Pamper Yourself

Do something that makes you feel amazing. Take a relaxing bath, full of scented oils and preferably a bath bomb! Light some candles and turn your bathroom into a spa. Or, indulge in your skin and lash care routine by adding a nourishing treatment, like our Rejuvenating Eye Cream & Mask.


Apps such as Headspace or Calm are great for guided meditation. Alternatively, you could simply close your eyes and practise deep breathing exercises for 5 minutes to ease any anxiety.


Make sure that you are getting a good night’s shut eye. Try and aim for 7 to 9 hours sleep a night. If you’re well rested, you’ll be more ready to take on the day and have a more positive outlook.

Don’t forget to ease your mind and body.


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