Extend Lashes Aftercare
Our Extend treatment uses individual lash extensions to extend your natural lashes. The result? Longer, fuller lashes for up to 8 weeks. Often known as classic or individual lashes, this treatment gives you a natural and flawless look – perfect if you want to add depth and length to your natural lashes.
After your Extend Lash Extensions treatment, we recommend professional top-ups every 2-3 weeks. It’s because your natural lashes are constantly shedding, we lose around 2-5 natual lashes every day. An infill treatment adds extra individual extensions to the places where your natural lashes have progressed through their lifecycle, keeping your Extend lashes in immaculate condition.

How to look after your extend lashes in the first 24/48 hours after treatment
To help your new lashes settle in to place, it’s important to keep your lashes dry for the first 24 hours after treatment, and to avoid swimming, steam and saunas for the first 48 hours.

What aftercare products can I use with extend lash extensions?
You should use oil-free products after a classic extensions treatment to avoid compromising your lash extension bonds. Our Prebiotic Eye Make-Up Remover Gel is the perfect oil-free cleansing product for lash extension devotees. Developed as an aftercare product for lash extension wearers, the ultra-lightweight formula of our Replenishing Lash & Eye Mist delivers advanced hydration without weighing down or impacting your lash extensions. Did you know you can supercharge your lashes even if you’re wearing lash extensions? Formulated with multifunctional protein, our Triple Enhance Lash Serum is applied at the base of your lashes to target the follicle, helping to strengthen lashes from within and minimising the chance of brittleness and breakages. For more aftercare products for lash extension wearers, discover our 3-Step Lash Care system.
What make-up can I wear with extend lashes?
You can wear make-up with your Extend lashes but we recommend using water-based mascara, and avoiding waterproof or oil-based eye make-up and removers. It’s so you don’t disturb the adhesive that your synthetic eyelashes are applied with – we have a few specially formulated products for lash extensions including our Enhance Mascara and Prebiotic Eye Make-up Remover Gel.

Can you get your extend lashes wet?
For the first 24 hours after your Extend treatment, it’s essential to keep them dry. You should avoid all steam, saunas and swimming until 48 hours after as it can take up to 2 days for the adhesive to fully set. After that, it’s completely safe, just remember pat to your lashes dry with a towel or tissue and gently brush with a mascara wand. Want to keep on top of your individual lashes’ aftercare from the get go but not sure what to use? Formulated with multifunctional protein and antioxidant-rich vitamins C and E, our Replenishing Lash & Eye Mist delivers a veil of conditioning hydration with no need for nano sprays or water mists. The ‘heaven’ pump delivers evenly dispersed micro-fine droplets for an extremely fine mist that doesn’t leave the skin or lashes feeling wet. .

How do I clean volume lashes?
To clean your lashes, we recommend using our Lash & Lid Foaming Cleanser regularly, at least 2-3 times a week or daily if you wear eye make-up. For best results, follow these steps:
- Wash and rinse your hands
- Pump a small amount of foaming cleanser onto the back of your hand
- Using a Lash Cleansing Brush, gently work the product through the lashes from root to tip
- Gently rinse your lashes with clean water
- Pat dry with a towel and brush gently with a mascara wand
- Then allow lashes to dry naturally
How do I remove extend lashes?
We recommend you have your Extend lashes removed professionally with your lash artist or at home with our specially formulated Lash Extension Remover. The gentle formula effectively and comfortably removes lash extensions at home, whilst conditioning your natural lashes and reducing any risk of damage.

What can you not do with extend lashes?
Here are 6 things to avoid doing to keep your Extend lashes looking full and fluffy:
- Don’t get your lashes wet for the first 24 hours, and avoid steam, saunas and swimming until 48 hours after your treatment
- Try not to touch or rub your eye area, as it can transfer oil and bacteria on to your lashes
- Take care when cleansing that you don’t manipulate your lashes into different positions
- Aim to avoid sleeping on your front or side, so your lashes don’t get disturbed
- Avoid lash curlers because they can be harsh on your natural lashes
- Stay away from oil-based make-up or remover. Our aftercare range offers some simple water-based alternatives
For a simple aftercare routine for ultimate eyes, every day, shop our 3 Step Lash Care System.
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